Get it early - the Fiesta talked about in this thread was purchased used - for service as delivery - so the records for earlier ownership's are sketchy.
But as it comes along in time and its history leaks out, the trick is to get it early and stick with earlier - as in 75,000 miles or before - but don't sweat +/- 5,000 miles in that interval. The Head gasket was also replaced around 125,000 per conversation - so details are in getting it done early and at no-expense for if done early and regular - the expense averages out to be cost effective when Gas goes up past $3.00 a gallon, so the more effort in getting it done and early - gets you across that 300,000 mile mark a lot easier.
Excludes Bearings, Arms, Shocks Struts Brakes - the usual wear stuff...
(...And someone trying to take it out while you're still driving it...)