You may not need to remove the manifold, but verify it's simply not leaking or has issues with cam to belt timing operation - that takes a little more work and a Diagnostic tool capable to test the emissions and sensors at part of it's functions to know that the timing of these elements and their operation are correct.
This is why we tend to think were looking for "ghosts". No one wants to drive around for hours in someone elses car and not get paid the big buck$ they can get for service-shop rates - just to find profiles that may or may not develop into a story-book ending.
The PCV valve is the only larger hose in the intake that you can even get at to check - the others are a nylon-based (rigid), the upper PCV, EVAP and rubber Brake Booster (Idle Quality Regulator valve IAQ) hoses you can see if they are operational by donig some simple tests by disconnecting them at a junction and plugging their port to test for vacuum seal.
- - the IAQ one you simply pull the hose off that goes to the snorkel by the Air cleaner - and plug it with your thumb - it you can feel it draw a vacuum thru the hose, then that regulator can be regarded working and OK.
- the PCV hose itself uses both that upper hose and the intake (lower) one to do it's job, using Manifold vacuum to pull fumes thru; from the air-cleaner box into the upper valve cover and crankcase out into the intake thru its vacuum and then gets re-burned in the motor.
- The PCV valve uses the manifold vacuum - but the hose itself is a molded rubber hose, and is exposed to oil and high-vacuum all the time - which by age alone can weaken it. The oils and vacuum can cause the hose to collapse on itself (pinch shut) and won't pull vacuum to purge the system - which can generate several conditions or poor vacuum regulation and make the IMAPT sensor work overtime and can set the light that way but with different codes.
So the 219A code is telling us something is going on at the exhaust - which means from the muffler back thru those sensors into the exhaust manifold - so there may be several air leaks that when the motor decelerates - the air gets drawn in from the higher vacuum caused by the throttle getting shut off closed.
That throttle going shut forces a rich condition so it pulls in air from any place it can; meaning PCV, EVAP and IAQ which are orifices so their volume is limited. Where else? Exhaust manfold and the exhaust system - the Exhaust cam is set up to advance so it can use this to help the exhaust side of the motor to pull in air to lean out the chamber.
The only other way to get air is by drafting it in thru the open muffler tailpipe - so it sucks in the older exhaust and it's air - so if it's seeing lean, have that muffler checked and inspected before you go too far and place too much focus on the intake.
- for if it ever got plugged during winter or got struck by road debris or backed into by a parking chock - the pipe can snap at a crease and begin to leak.
Best guesses - for the exhaust system on a car is the most vulnerable and problematic as they age - meaning: Welds can break or worse, crack thru the heat-to-cool cycles - does not provide the best seal for long-term.
Many of the older tailpipes did this, but the newer ones use a flange and flare seat on a seal which alows for flexing - again...a best guess.