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Ford has issued a statement regarding more affordable EV's are coming.....


Well-Liked Member
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Grass Lake
United States
What I Drive
2011 Fiesta SE hbk Blue
They are saying that something around twenty to twenty five grand list price is their objective. I will believe that when I can see and touch it.
There's no great demand for electric vehicles in a volume production business case. They are being rejected by the consumer.
Ford has failed to demonstrate the ability to make and sell a desirable and profitable small car in the past twenty years. They have openly admitted that and gave unprofitability as the reason for ending Focus and Fiesta.
I cannot see a single change, process improvement or marketing strategy adjustment that would tell me that they are capable of making a profitable comeback in any compact or sub compact car offering that might result from their efforts, either.
Ford has walked away from so many market segments that they are in danger of being unable to pivot to anything if the market demand for trucks or Mustang was to make a sudden shift.
They are already beginning to get a good taste of what having lots filled with new SUV and trucks that aren't selling, both new and used, feels like.
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United States
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'17 ST
Until we have the infrastructure to support it, EVs aren't going to be very popular.


Well-Liked Member
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Grass Lake
United States
What I Drive
2011 Fiesta SE hbk Blue
Thread Starter #3
The whole EV situation would be laughable if it weren't such a tremendous scam.
The government "forced" car companies into designing battery electric vehicles. The basic line that was that carbon dioxide emissions are to be eliminated, zero tolerance. "You can build a combustion engine vehicle, but you won't be allowed to sell it in your home markets". Those quotation marks are what the government told the automotive companies. It was do or die.
All that was brought to bear down on the automotive industry at the same time the government was spending tens of Billions on what they called "infrastructure upgrades".
Only problem was that they weren't actually doing anything that would increase capacity or improved the reliability of our electrical grid.
Windmills and solar farms are intermittent sources at best.
The government has no intention of increasing capacity and no interest in a reliable grid.
None of what I described would have been done if the government weren't on a track to self destruction. The people who did this got rich. That is the only part of this plan that works.

Handy Andy

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Grand Rapids
United States
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2018 Ford Fiesta SE HB
As a delivery driver working in the 3rd party and aftermarket, I see a lot of changes as the older vehicles with the simpler technology get replaced by the newer parts and upgrades - and also by the inability of the car owner to keep up with many changes the new technology can provide even for the older vehicles. It's changed the landscape.

As a good example, back in the 70's Lead was used to improve an octane number to help people make choices in fuels but never knew the damages long-term, of exposure to the leftovers these additives caused. Only recently have they looked into the octane numbers and how substitute fuels and additives were introduced as they can offset the need of the higher octane ratings for some vehicles.

The problems are many but a good indication of the change is thru the use of esters of Alcohol, Methane and Ethane.

Both change the way the fuel sublimates, atomizes or changes from a liquid/solid onto a vapor - when you add Alcohol, the boiling point is lowered to a level below the boiling point of water. Where before the introduction of this as a medium versus a supplement (Greater use in ratios present in petrol's) - the older fuel ratio, those boiling points were higher closer to water so the fuels vapor and pressures when they changed from a liquid to a vapor were different. IN light of this, the technology for that time did it's "best guess" as to properly and linearly provide the proper air-to-fuel ratios needed for any given level of load and performance.

This changes the way carburetion is performed - either thru injection or by downdraft - using Venturi principles both are part of a much bigger event covered by Bernoulli and his work on fluids and pressures.

So the current technology is being done away with by administrative events and regulations against Automotive manufacturing combustion engines. By doing this, it now opens a door for other technology that is not truly tested or regulated as needed to prevent flooding or dumping the market with materials and technology that could be even more toxic than what we currently have. Let alone our own manufacturing to be able to compete against it. We are soon going to be experiencing this newer technology - as the current administration will unlock the floodgates that will release it onto our shores. You think the economy is stable for now, you have not seen anything yet.

So what does this get me to-in this post? I am seeing a change in how vehicles are being repaired and replaced, and even rebuilt - because the newer technology that is promised to replace it, is not living up to the consumers expectations. So those that have their current means of transportation needing service, are trying to maintain it and keep it functional simply due to the cost to upgrade the means, by whatever method. I'm describing the method as - Either done thru dealership and or electrification - the process is too expensive to complete and even the provision or promise - delivery of equipment, power and the means to replace what they currently have in any economic sense is too cost prohibitive and scarce to locate.

We are at a cusp here, and not sure if the current administration will have the means to understand that Americans are not into being told to do this or that when they have been raised with and told - or sold - on the notion of freedoms are for everyone and you are free by a price that has been paid by others whom served to protect and died for you. For by their sacrifice; you, their families and the offspring of all whom live here - All are free, enforced by a belief in the use of a parchment called the Constitution - to be enabled to live without being forced to obey a tyranny of lies. If this sounds familiar, remember our current condition is based upon notions that we could save ourselves and the planet at the same time.

We have to learn to get along with it (Earth) first, that means you either start with Sunscreen, or an Umbrella - but bring water - and remember that Plastic is recycle-able, but you'll be holding that water in it so you can drink it along the way and survive the trip to the beach.

  • The Universe may look beautiful, but is a very unforgiving place - remember that Nebulae are from dying stars and the light that shines from them is the result of ionization caused by radiation which produces starlight...something to think about while you bake-in a tan under the sun this summer.

This rock will live on, in orbit - whether our progeny are living on it or not.

I believe it is time to rethink the way we wish to protect ourselves - not just from ourselves but from those that push an agenda that is not well thought out and is about as variable as the winds that drive it.
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